Summit Soap | 2018
2nd year at Design Academy Eindhoven
Activity Department
Semester 2 (Feb 2018-July 2018)
Activity Department
Semester 2 (Feb 2018-July 2018)
A range of topographic hand soaps, each shaped and scented with inspiration from the mountains. Each soap represents some of the most iconic mountains over from over the globe. Initially hand modeled in plastercein, each mountain represents 1:1000 in scale. Once the mountain soap is cast, set and removed from the mould, you can enjoy the uinque scents of each mountains cultural or indigenous surroundsings.
Mount Kilimanjaro
Tanzania5,895 m
cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, ginger

863 m
eucalyptus + peppermint

Mount Fuji
Japan 3,776 m
sea salt, seaweed + lavender

Pakistan + China
8,611 m
oriental rose

4,478 m
oats + honey