Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum Newsletter
January 2022Passing on the baton to the 2021 winner!
October 2021Well done Stella!
“Stella van Beers will win the Kick That Ass Award 2021 for this graduation project. The prize is an initiative of Maarten Baas and Lowlands and is awarded annually to a graduate of Design Academy Eindhoven who has used the graduation year to -regardless of advice or assignments- within himself. frameworks to make an authentic work. The winner is determined by an extremely subjective jury consisting of award initiator Maarten Baas and the winner of the previous year; Hattie Parker. Based on a healthy gut feeling, they determined which project is such ass-kicking that it may be awarded with a unique trophy. Lowlands will provide a cash prize of €2,500 and will place the project prominently at Lowlands 2022. In addition, the winner will be commissioned to design the trophy for his or her successor.
Previous winners of the Kick That Ass Award are Bart van Uden (2016), Theophile Blandet (2017), Ruth Klückers (2018), Puck van Iersel & Maarten de Bruijne (2019) and Hattie Parker (2020).”
Translated from Dutch

Creatingwavs profile with @lobach___ ft. The Devil and his Lettuce
September 2021
Lowlands Festival Instagram Post
August 2021“For 5 years now, Lowlands has been presenting the KickThatAssAward together with designer @maarten.baas during the @dutchdesignweek. In 2020 the award was won by designer @hattieparkerdesigns who has created a richly illustrated book on all aspects of cannabis: The Devil And His Lettuce.
The Devil And His Lettuce is a free-form handbook that takes you on a mind-blowing trip through the life path brings the cannabis. It tries to free you from the many prejudices and fake news surrounding the plant and its medicinal properties, the textile fiber and the religious aspects.
More info and order via link in bio!” Translated from Dutch

Eindhovens Dagblad
July 2021Having been commisioned as the only artist to create a new body of work for this exhibition, i was in a period of massive chnage in my life and chose to reflect this in this series, the ‘Automatic Series’.
“Design Academy graduates show work in the Heuvel”
“EINDHOVEN - The third exhibition 'Made in Eindhoven' in the Led Light District in the Heuvel has been set up this week. Fourteen graduates from the Design Academy Eindhoven show work in the red boxes on the ground floor. The theme is sustainability and awareness.”

Lowlands Festival Instagram Post
July 2021“As long as there is no clarity from politics about whether or not Lowlands will continue, we assume that we will be there in August. That is why today the announcement of the art program.
This year the Lowlandsterrein is again full of visual art: we will bring a number of works to Biddinghuizen in collaboration with @fundatiezwolle, there are brand new works and a number of old acquaintances. Featuring @roosegaarde, @sticks_insta, @bramellens, @hattieparkerdesigns and more.
View the entire art program on our site.#LL21”
Translated from Dutch

Broccoli Mag Instagram Post
March 2021“For a graduation project, @hattieparkerdesigns made this awesome educational art book all about our favorite plant, called The Devil and his Lettuce! Everything was hand printed and cut, and bound into nine copies. SO RARE! Click over to Hattie's page and watch the "The Devil" highlights from her IG stories to see how it all came together.”
thank you Broccoli!
Hattie Parker winnaar Kick That Ass-Award 2020
December 2020Press release video from the Kick That Ass Award ceremony 2020 from November, the video can be found on Lowlands Festival Website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Pot Head Profiles
December/November 2020Profile interview with Tristan from Pot Head Coffee for Pot Head Profiles. Talking about “The Devil and his Lettuce”, the cannabis indutry and futures we would like to see.
“Meet Harriet Parker, the award-winning design graduate behind, ‘The Devil and His Lettuce’ – a beautiful book dedicated to the life and times of cannabis. I wanted to chat to Harriet to learn more about the creative process behind the book and if you take a look at her Instagram, you will see why I was so intrigued. The design of the book is particularly unique and has already won Harriet the Kick That Ass Award 2020. While it isn’t available to purchase yet, Harriet talks about her plans to bring the book to the wider public. Enjoy!”
Lowlands Festival
“No better proof that literature is also art: the Kick That Ass-Award 2020 for Hattie Parker's book 'The Devil And His Lettuce', “a mind-expanding trip through the life and times of cannabis”, according to the verse from Design Academy Eindhoven graduate designer himself. Richly and playfully illustrated as well, a “children's book for adults”, according to the jury. And, the main criterion for the prize created by design king Maarten Baas and Lowlands: conceived and executed completely autonomously. For sale at the Merchandise stands, so you can also browse at Lowlands. To do!”
Translated from Dutch

WOTH - Fresh Design
November 2020“WOTH Wonderful Things Magazine is an international print magazine appearing 4 x a year in separate Dutch and an English editions.” featuring the Fresh Design page “A selection of talented graduates, young designers and projects worth mentioning.”

Eindhovens Dagblad
October 2020Interviewed with Rob Schoonen, art critic for the newspaper.
“Een van de exposanten nu is Hattie Parker, die het indrukwekkende boek The devil and his lettuce maakte. Alles rond cannabis wordt hierbij tekstueel, maar vooral ook grafisch uit de doeken gedaan. Bijkomend voordeel van de presentatie bij Motta: Peeters kent waarschijnlijk wel een aantal goede uitgevers voor het boek. De kersverse designer Teun Zwets fabriceert zo’n beetje alles van afvalmateriaal. Van rank ogende vaasjes, gemaakt van glas in lood uit een oude deur, tot en met stoelen van dunne kokertjes metaal.”
“One of the exhibitors now is Hattie Parker, who created the impressive book The devil and his lettuce. Everything about cannabis is explained textually, but also graphically. An additional advantage of the presentation at Motta: Peeters probably knows a number of good publishers for the book.”

Melkweg Award Press Release
October 2020“The Melkweg Award is presented each year to a truly unique talent among DAE's Bachelor graduates. The winning graduation project must be both highly original and full of potential.”
Jury Report
“By reading and learning more about cannabis, Hattie Parker found herself at the starting point of a very rich exploration of the life and times of cannabis. As one of the world's oldest cultivated crops, it has been used exten- sively as a religious and spiritual aid, as well as for healing and recreation. Only quite recently, over the past century, did cannabis get on the wrong side of public perception, resulting in criminalization with high penalties for production and selling, and the debates about legislation. Trade, warfare, politics and exploration have had a great impact on the plant's reputation. So Hattie set herself the task of dispelling the misconceptions and 'fake news about the plant. Knowledge of the plant, its medicinal qualities, its textile fibres, and its use as a religious sacrament, is needed to have an informed discussion about cannabis and legislation. The jury praises the extensive research and the manner in which Hattie has translated her research into a beautifully illustrated publication that serves her educational goal.”

Stratford-upon-Avon Herald
July 2003“The overall winner was Harriet Parker’s painting of a home being by an energetic workforce, complete with overalls and hard hat. Added Neil: “It pick the winner, but Harriet came out on top as she showed so much detail in her picture.' Said Harriet: "It took a long while to do my painting but I like all the colour and everything and im pleased with it.”